Making the events industry more accessible, one experience at a time...

ACCESS for all

We believe in making events inclusive for everyone - attendees, performers and crew alike.

Embrace Inclusivity : Maximise Attendance

Our offerings will increase accessibility and inclusion, improve the physical and mental wellbeing of all involved, broaden your audience, enhance attendance and boost revenue, all while improving accessibility within the events industry as a whole and helping end exclusion.

Accessibility Consultancy

Drawing from 34 years lived experience of accessibility challenges at events, we offer a diverse array of accessibility led consultancy services tailored to our clients and their specific event.

We work with our core values of empathy, understanding, inclusion and empowerment to guide our commitment to inclusivity.

We can provide everything from initial planning discussions, virtual briefings, on-site visits, access plans and continued help and guidance implementing accessibility practically into your event; including booking and managing services as required.

Let us take away the stress of considering things you can only really appreciate, if you have navigated them yourself.

Inclusive Activities

Sensory spaces

Festivals can be exhilarating, but they also bombard the senses with loud music, flashing lights, and large crowds. We appreciate that for many, this sensory overload can quickly become very overwhelming. Bass Therapy Sensory Spaces provide a tranquil sanctuary to help realign, retreat, decompress, and recharge. Within a space especially created with calming lights, soft sounds and distractions, attendees can stay until fully ready to enjoy the festival experience again with friends and family

Accessible DJ Workshops

Music has the incredible ability to express emotions that words cannot; which is especially important if you find communicating verbally difficult. Through our hands-on DJ experiences, participants can harness the therapeutic benefits of music creation to enhance their mental health and well-being. From basic guidance, to hand on hand instruction and even full recreation experiences; any perceived limitations are combatted with Bass Therapy. Learning to mix is not about mastering technical skills, it's about discovering your own unique voice and expressing yourself creatively. By empowering participants to unleash their creativity, we aim to in still confidence and self-esteem in every individual

Accessible Smash Therapy

In our unique approach to inclusive event experiences, we offer unconventional activities like Smash Therapy. While it may seem unusual, smashing crockery serves as powerful tool for stress relief, sensory stimulation and empowerment whilst re-using a thrown away object one one time. By creating a safe and controlled environment for participants to release tension and engage their senses, we offer a one-of-a-kind experience that promotes well-being and fosters a sense of empowerment for individuals of all abilities

Relax and Recharge

Reiki, Yoga, Sound Therapy, and other relaxation techniques specifically designed to enable disabled individuals at events are hugely powerful ways to enhance the overall experience as these additions are usually impossible to access either due to the layout of the site or structures and timetables practitioners have to work with. These practices can provide much-needed relief from sensory overload, physical discomfort, and emotional stress commonly experienced in bustling festivals.

Crew and Artists

Making sure crew and artists are catered for is just as important than the people attending the event

Structural adaptations

It is important to ensure that back stage and crew areas of festival and events are as accessible as the public spaces. Having features such Ramps and Elevators, Accessible Toilets and Dressing rooms (with height appropriate mirrors), Wide Pathways, Accessible Seating Areas, Clear Signage and Adjustable Height Facilities such as deck stands are essential for promoting inclusivity and ensuring that all artists and crew feel valued and supported.

By providing these accessibility features, festivals demonstrate a commitment to diversity and equity, acknowledging the importance of accommodating individuals of all abilities. Accessible backstage facilities not only enhance the experience for artists with disabilities but also contribute to their overall well-being and comfort, allowing them to focus on their performances without concerns about accessibility barriers. Moreover, prioritizing accessibility backstage sends a powerful message of inclusivity to the entire festival community, fostering a culture of respect and equality for all performers. Ultimately, investing in accessibility benefits not only artists but also enhances the festival experience for attendees, staff, and volunteers alike

Sensory Spaces

Creating a dedicated chill-out zone for neurodivergent crew and artists is essential for their well-being and performance. Having specific sensory or social needs that require a peaceful space to recharge can often mean that if these spaces are not available, individuals suffer burn out after events or are forced to self medicate to get through the event. Offering a designated area for people to relax and seek support demonstrates inclusivity and fosters a supportive health and wellbeing culture supporting positive mental health

Relax, recharge, and reset.

Bands, DJs, and Crew often face high levels of stress and pressure, which can impact their physical and mental well-being. To support their health and performance, it's becoming essential to provide therapeutic interventions to help their body and mind over the course of long events. Offering sessions such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, stretching classes, massage therapy or cold water exposure can help individuals manage stress, reduce muscle tension, and promote relaxation. Practices such as Reiki and energy healing can further enhance well-being by balancing energy levels, facilitating emotional release, and creating a calming atmosphere. By incorporating these therapeutic techniques into festival programming, organisers find that crew and artists not only come to the space to relax but to be able to talk more freely.